Monday, February 6, 2012

counting the hard eucharisteo

Counting the hard eucharisteo.  This is not easy.  At. All.  It’s hard.
In fact, naming frustrations as blessings is completely upside-down and counter-intuitive.  Did I mention, really hard to do?
I wrote this list down in sheer, dogged obedience to the hard eucharisteo, believing Ann’s insistence that ALL is grace, not just the nice poetic moments:
“Thank you, God, for…

1041. Criticism
1042. Being faced with my sin 
1043. Being humbled 
1044. Failing 
1045. That He promises His strength will be made perfect in weakness 
1046. That I’m not perfect (ugh!) 
1047. That life’s not perfect (ugh!)  
And it wasn’t until I got that far, and wearily read back over my list with a sigh, that I saw it.  How all is grace.  It stopped me in my tracks.  
I heard Jesus finish each sentence in my mind with a new ending.
So, I obediently wrote them down.  And with each addition, my joy-spring welled higher.

1041. Criticism - because it forces me to grow 
1042. Being faced with my sin - because IT forces me to grow 
1043. Being humbled - because it’s healthy and Christlike 
1044. Failing - because it forces me to depend on God 
1045. That He promises His strength will be made perfect in weakness 
1046. That I’m not perfect (ugh!) - because Christ can be glorified in me 
1047. That life’s not perfect (ugh!) - because God’s glory can be displayed all the more brightly 
1048. That God is determined to grow me in spite of myself 
1049. Grace 
1050. More grace 
1051. A husband who is usually right, and when he’s wrong, admits it
The FACT is: even my most hateful, nauseating sins and the ugly, frustrating fact of imperfection belong on my gratitude list - because ALL is grace.  Each ugliness can be transformed by grace into beauty.  
And, I get to number this daily miracle.  A front-row seat to glory.  
AND, it's proof that I am not just dreaming about growing; I am actually being made more into His image moment by moment, thanks by thanks, “gift” by grace-filled gift.  
Even the moments that don’t look like gifts at first actually are.  

{pictures of a spectacular frost last month}


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