...because I sure do a lot of it!
Messy kitchen counters, sinks full of crusty dishes, laundry baskets full of topsy-turvy clothes waiting to be sorted, folded and put away… Living room floor covered with Thomas-the-Tank-Engine and all his friends, veranda littered with bats and balls, hall corridor strewn with every board book we own…
Evidence that three happy, busy preschoolers live here.
It’s a good thing I get a thrill from clean, wiped-off countertops, freshly folded laundry piles, baskets full of the right toys in the right places, boxes of tidy sports equipment… because I seem to spend large quantities of time Tidying (or Supervising Tidying).
Creating order out of chaos.
This is my life. I’m glad I like it.
Come to think of it, God must like it too. Just think of all He’s done:
Out of the chaos of nothing, He created an orderly, law-abiding, wonder-filled universe to run faithfully and predictably under His command...
Out of a lump of mud, He created the marvel we call “a human being”…
He took the horrible mess-up we call “sin” and redeemed it with the most wonderful, surprising, beautifully crafted Rescue Plan ever invented…
And he daily takes my fallen, sinful, imperfect striving and turns it into works of grace…
(lately I've been listening to Keith and Kristyn Getty’s song “Holy Spirit”...)
What chaos is in your life right now? Do you need to believe He can make something beautiful out of it?
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